Division Worksheets With Remainder
3 digits by 1 digit

Type 2 - Quotient ≥ 100

Reminders & Tips for - Division Worksheets With Remainder 3 digits by 1 digit (for Q ≥ 100):
  • A Reminder: you already must know your Division Table to 100.

  • Tips: Since in this worksheet we deal with quotients greater than 100, first we must "chip off" as many 100s as we can.
    Then, as many 10s as we can, and then deal with the rest.

    • Therefore, the 100s-dividend-"chip" = 1 digit number × divisor × 100

    • Then, the 10s-dividend-"chip" = 1 digit number × divisor × 10

    • What's left is what I call a "Defective" Division Table to 100.
      You have an almost "straight" division table to 100 case, but you got to get rid of a "defect" aka remainder.

  • Comment: Essentially, this is how all division, with or without remainder, including a long division, is done.

Division Worksheets With Remainder 3 digits by 1 digit    (for Q ≥ 100):
Example:   976 ÷ 3 = ?   (Dividend ÷ Divisor = Quotient)

  • So, as mentioned in tips above, the first chip is a 100s-dividend-"chip", and it must be a product of:

      1 digit number × divisor × 100 = 100s-dividend-chip
      3 × 3 × 100 = 900  ≤  976

  • This is a new situation:
    (900 + 76) ÷ 3
    Now we deal with 76.

  • The second dividend-"chip" is a 10s-dividend-"chip" and it must be a product of:

      1 digit number × divisor × 10 = 10s-dividend-chip
      2 × 3 × 10 = 60  ≤  76

  • Now we have this situation:
    (900 + 60 + 16) ÷ 3
    Now we deal with 16.

  • What's left is what I call a "Defective" Division Table to 100 case.
    16 is not divisible by 3, but 15 is, so we're "chippin' off" further:
    (900 + 60 + 15 + 1) ÷ 3

  • When we drop the parentheses:
    900÷3  +  60÷3  +  15÷3  +  1÷3

    • 900÷3 =  300
      (let's call this one: 100s-quotient-chip)

    • 60÷3 =  20
      (this one: 10s-quotient-chip)

    • 15÷3 =  5
      (and this one: division-table-quotient-chip)

    • and we're left with a "defect"  1  called a Remainder
      (since 1÷3 < 1, this is where this division stops, until decimal numbers kick in)

  • Our solution is (300 + 20 + 5)  Q 325  with a  R 1

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