Distance Speed Time Calculator

OK, I know this is physics and not pure math, but it's free and it might show handy. :-)

This calculator basically does something very simple - it calculates distance, speed (velocity) or time if you have the other two.

If you want to know a little more about this - scroll below the calculator.

Distance Speed Time

Time from Distance and Speed

Enter distance value and unit:
Enter speed value and units:
Time is: Hours Minutes Seconds

Distance from Speed and Time

Enter speed value and units:
Enter time: Hours Minutes Seconds
Distance is (select unit before calculating):

Speed from Distance and Time

Enter distance value and unit:
Enter time: Hours Minutes Seconds
Speed is (select units before calculating):

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It all starts with this formula:

Speed =



That's the formula when we have time and distance and want to know the speed (velocity).

If we have speed and time, and want to know the distance:

Distance = Speed × Time

And finally, if we have speed and distance, and want to calculate the time:

Time =



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